Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Assignment 4- Color Theory

1. Complimentary: Purple and Yellow
2. Analogous: Yellow, Yellow Green, Green
3. Monochrome

I looked around my Apartment and outside in my neighbor's garden while my mom took a nap. The monochrome was the hardest because, most things are multiple colors, not one single color.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Assignment #3: High Key/Low Key

My Choices:

Middle Grey Exposure as Dictated by the Camera:

Alright so here is Assignment #3. I found this assignment particularly frustrating because there are so many shades of black and white. I had to either change my background or my item multiple times to get it right. With patience I was able to match the colors as well as I could, but they are not perfect. 

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Assignment #2 - Numbers

0 - This is my Grandfather's Cowboy hat, the same one he wore the last years of his life. His death created a very deep hole in my heart.
5- Red Dye #5 is a glass of water
14- 14 pounds equal a British Stone
21- My favorite flower and my Birthday is the 21st of June
25- Silver Wedding Annversary, silver celtic ring.
40- Joker appeared in DC comics in the Spring of 1940 in Batman #1
83- Thor's first appearance in the Marvel Universe was in Journey Into Mystery #83

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Assignment #1 - Scavenger Hunt

All of these were taken at my grandmother's home in Cedaredge, Colorado. Surprisingly she lives in a pretty populated area, but they have an abundance of wildlife running around. I shot mostly with the P setting, but I quickly got fed up with not being able to get the shots I wanted and switched back to the manual setting.

While doing this assignment I learned that I need to be more patient when I take pictures. Many of my photos were out of focus, they wouldn't have been if I had taken the time to really make sure thy were focused. It also would have been better if I had used my tripod. I had never realized how important and  beneficial my tripod is.

Photography Haiku

Photography day
I smile, shoot a photograph
wonders I capture